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Paint Alongs
Paint-Alongs are usually taught by members who will show us their expertise in a particular artistic area. We bring our own art supplies as we use the tips and techniques shown us to create our own special creations.
Be set up and ready to go at 10:00.
September 18 - Gail Johnson - painting on rocks
Be ready for some fun painting on rocks! Bring your own smooth rocks of whatever size you want to paint on. Gail will bring a few also. You will use acrylic paint, or you can use permanent markers (including metallic). Bring pictures of what you want to paint. Suggestions: animals, flowers, scenery, food, zentangle or dot design ideas. If you know what you want to paint, go ahead and coat the rocks with acrylic a couple of times on both sides.
October 16 Judy Stanfill - acrylic sunflower with palette knife
You will have fun learning how to create lots of texture on this sunflower painting!
Bring a palette knife (no brushes) and an 8 x 10 canvas. In addition to a 4 oz. tube of white acrylic paint, you will use cad yellow, lemon yellow, burnt sienna, raw umber, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, sap or hookers green, lime green, and orange. You might also want to use phthalo blue and phthalo green. You will probably also want to have paper towels and a table easel.
The background uses a lot of white, so Judy will have extra tubes of while available for $2.00 each.
November 20 Ilse Schreiner. Painting on masa paper.
This is a technique where you crinkle and wet the paper and then paint on both the back and front. You will need masa paper, a piece of matboard to glue the semi-finished piece onto, white glue, India ink (or other waterproof ink), watercolor or water soluble paint or pencils and some opaque white paint ( Gouache, acrylic or bleedproof white). I will have a certain amount of these materials on hand to share but bring yours if you have some of the paper and matboard. I will provide a picture to direct your painting, but you are welcome to work with your own picture. I can only print the handouts in black and white . A color picture is shown below. You can download it to your own device for reference or make up your own colors
DETAILS for the following will be added as the dates get closer:
January 15 - (Goettsch cancelled) - take a picture of your potato lunch today and paint or draw it
February 19 - Kay Burns black and white forest
We will be painting a black and white forest in acrylic. Kay prefers 16” by 20” but you can use any size you want. 11” by 14” is a good size. The bigger your painting the longer it will take. You will need a black canvas, or paint your white canvas black, or even white watercolor paper can be painted black with black acrylic.
Black paint
White paint or white gesso
Sponge brush
Liner brush
Palette knife to blend
Water bowl for used brushes and to thin out paint
March 19 - ?
April 16 - Roy Gover watercolor

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